Acupuncture – Ozone – Mesotherapy – Prolotherapy

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Smoking Cessation Treatment

Acupuncture corrects the imbalances caused by smoking addiction in our nervous system. It creates a foundation for the rejuvenation of our lungs and triggers their renewal.

Is Our Relationship with Smoking a Love Relationship? What Is the Difference between Addiction and a Love Relationship?

Our relationship with smoking is not a love relationship. Love cannot tolerate betrayal; it diminishes. However, despite the fact that smoking disrupts our comfort in life by causing coughing and making us ill, our interest in it continues. Therefore, it is not a love relationship but an addiction relationship.

Addiction is related to our brain’s pleasure mechanisms. Short-circuit relationships and deviations in these mechanisms result in addiction.

Acupuncture repairs these mechanisms and reduces our interest in smoking. It corrects the imbalances caused by smoking addiction in our nervous system. It creates a foundation for the rejuvenation of our lungs and triggers this renewal. It allows us to elevate our physical and mental integrity to a higher level, enabling us to derive pleasure from life. You can distinguish smells as if you are experiencing them for the first time, and even the taste of the food you eat changes after the treatment.

The most important aspect of our treatment is that we do not leave you alone with your smoking addiction. We experience the process together with you and actively participate in each step of your struggle. Without even realizing that you are fighting, your relationship with smoking is severed, and you become free.

Just like a skilled pilot smoothly landing an airplay on the airflied without causing any turbulence or discomfort to the passengers…