Role of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Depression
Because of the significant number of patients who not respond to or who cannot tolerate conventional treatments for depression, other…
Acupuncture Treatment and Overdose
Med. Dr. Özaytürk, Mehmet Salih; Istanbul Eylül 2011 Kızılcahamam Akupunktur Sempozyumu, Sunum It’s generally known that there would be overdose…
Treatment of Neurological Diseases with Acupuncture
Two hundred and twenty-four tension-type and vascular headaches were treated with acupuncture in this study. In this article, these treatments…
A pilot study on acupuncture for lower urinary tract symptoms related to chronic prostatitischronic
Abstract Background The etiology and treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) remain poorly understood. Pain, lower urinary tract…
Acupuncture in Eye Diseases
GLOCOM It is a chronic disease with an insidious character that causes progressive destruction of the optic nerve, progresses silently…
Acupuncture And The Treatment Of Insomnia
Acupuncture appears to be a useful treatment approach for a common clinical problem Judith R. Peterson, MD AbstractInsomnia is commonly…
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is a potentially cheap and safe form of treatment for relieving some types of pain, Acupuncture is a potentially…
Acupuncture in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
In the Acupuncture Randomized Trial in Low Back Pain, we investigated whether acupuncture was more efficacious in reducing pain than…
Asthma in Chinese Medicine
For more than 75 years, the rate of asthma in industrialized countries has reached alarming levels, especially among children. Over…
Acupuncture and Essential Hypertension
Acupuncture, a promising adjunctive therapy for essential hypertension. Acupuncture, a promising adjunctive therapy for essential hypertension: a double-blind, randomized, controlled…