Energy, key items and elements are needed for the survival of human and it is called nutrition. Certainly, nutrients amount of which are received as requirement, are beneficial for the body. But, it is clear that anything received more than it is needed are not received as requirement. In additio
Energy, key items and elements are needed for the survival of human and it is called nutrition.
Certainly, nutrients amount of which are received as requirement, are beneficial for the body. But, it is clear that anything received more than it is needed are not received as requirement. In addition, surplus nutrients cause accumulation in the body, it damages the normal function of body by blocking it and lead to diseases.
Normally, small secret laboratories and precision measurements indicating nutrients and their amounts we required have been also inserted into our bodies from tongue to cells. However, insisting on the fault damages the function of this secret laboratory by becoming habits. For example, when you blow smoke in any baby’s face, baby will be annoyed; you can see it from the face of baby. But these measures change by insistence, causes that we enjoy these harmful substances and act as if these are our basic needs.
It is required to initiate a reverse process in order to get rid of this situation. What we need is to give up asking nutrients and their amounts to our internal consultant centers damaged by flavor habits and dependencies and complying with the decision of them. This is called the nutritional diet.
So, nutritional diet means to determine required amount and diversity of energy from out according to the living environment, climate conditions and normal functions of the body and not to let patient’s habits to manage that person.
Methods, which are applied to prevent eating more than this specified amount, are called supplement treatments. For example, some herbal tea may lose patient’s appetite on condition that they do not damage other diseases of the patient and helps to accumulated energy loss.
Acupuncture treatment can provide basis for the implementation of desired diet by treating the dependencies of patient and allows to turn back normal function by rearranging damaged internal balances.